Now It’s Happened: Tesla Austin Produces First Model Y Ahead Of Tesla Berlin

The embarrassment is perfect, yet it was looming. A Tesla engineer at the brand-new Tesla factory in Austin, Texas, Kristoffer Wickstead, posted a photo on his LinkedIn profile of the first Model Y produced there. It’s embarrassing because construction of the Tesla factory in Berlin-Grünheide – Gigafactory 4 – began in March 2020, while that in Austin – Gigafactory 5 – began four months later, at the end of July 2020.

“Anyone wanna see the first Model Y off the production line in Gigafactory Texas?”

While production of the first Model Y in Germany was originally scheduled to start in June 2021, just 14 months after the groundbreaking ceremony, these plans were officially postponed by half a year to the end of 2021. In the meantime, the company is optimistic that it will be able to produce the first Model Y in October. But now, at the end of August, 13 months after the groundbreaking, Austin has taken the lead and presented the first Model Y produced there.

At least this race Germany did not win. While Shanghai started production and even the first deliveries less than 12 months after breaking ground, Texas at least managed the first production in 13 months. Berlin is already at 17 months, and it won’t be before 19 months in the best case. A sensational period for comparable projects in Germany, but seemingly unimpressive in international comparison.

The hope we have is that at least the quality of the Tesla vehicles produced in Germany will be top internationally. However, Berlin-Grünheide and the workforce there must now also prove this.

Die Kunst, wie man sich nicht entschuldigt

Die Kunst, wie man sich nicht entschuldigt, ist ein hehres Gut. Politiker, Manager, Kirchenvertreter und viele andere Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens beherrschen diese Kunst in Perfektion. Korruption bei der Maskenbeschaffung? Nie passiert. Nicht genug Impfstoff? Tut uns leid, lässt sich aber nicht ändern. Milliarden mit der geplanten Autobahnmaut versenkt? Nicht meine Schuld. Was soll die ganze Aufregung? Mit einem Augenzwinkern und viel Humor vereint Mario Herger in „Sorry, not sorry!“ kompakt alle Tricks und Taktiken der Nicht-Entschuldigung. Herausgekommen sind 48 Kunstgriffe, sich selbst und das eigene Versagen in einem besseren Licht dastehen zu lassen. Lernen Sie von den Besten und werden auch Sie ein Meister darin, sich nicht zu entschuldigen.

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This article was also published in English.

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