Tesla App Store Coming Soon?

Elon Musk mentioned a few years ago that a Tesla app store was within the realm of possibilities. But this was quickly followed by a restriction. Such a store would only be profitable if there were 10 million Teslas. In the fall of 2023, the current number is five million, with a production rate of just under two million this year. The targeted double-digit million figure could thus realistically be reached in 2025, and the first sign that Musk is now implementing the promise has now followed.

Tesla turned to software developers and began accepting the first applications for the programming interfaces. They must announce their company and the app they plan to develop. If selected by Tesla, they will then be granted access to the programming interface and documentation.

Two types of apps are conceivable: on the one hand, specific apps for smartphones to access Tesla vehicles, and on the other hand, apps for the touchscreen in the vehicle to develop new functions. For fleet operators and rental companies of Tesla vehicles, but also for frequent users of the vehicles such as sales representatives, apps tailored to their needs could finally be developed. Fun apps like stopwatches for a drag race, video games or monitoring tools also come into the realm of possibility.

The business model is still open, but it is conceivable that, similar to the app stores of smartphone providers, a percentage of the price of an app will flow to Tesla. It is also to be expected that the apps will then not only cost 99 cents or €3.99, but that we will move into other price dimensions. €49.99 and more are quite conceivable in view of the other price levels of the mobile device. It will definitely be exciting.

Note: I generated the images with DALL-E 3, and the text instruction was very simple: create a photorealistic image of Tesla app store. By the way, my new book on DALL-E, ChatGPT and other generativers AIs is coming out soon: Kreative Intelligenz.


Über ChatGPT hat man viel gelesen in der letzten Zeit: die künstliche Intelligenz, die ganze Bücher schreiben kann und der bereits jetzt unterstellt wird, Legionen von Autoren, Textern und Übersetzern arbeitslos zu machen. Und ChatGPT ist nicht allein, die KI-Familie wächst beständig. So malt DALL-E Bilder, Face Generator simuliert Gesichter und MusicLM komponiert Musik. Was erleben wir da? Das Ende der Zivilisation oder den Beginn von etwas völlig Neuem? Zukunftsforscher Dr. Mario Herger ordnet die neuesten Entwicklungen aus dem Silicon Valley ein und zeigt auf, welche teils bahnbrechenden Veränderungen unmittelbar vor der Tür stehen.

Erhältlich im Buchhandel, beim Verlag und bei Amazon.

This article was also published in German.

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