Toyota’s Statement on the Need for Equal Application of the Electric Vehicle Tax Incentive

Toyota believes that the future of automobiles is electric. We also believe that Congress needs to provide incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles to speed the transition to that electric future.

But some in Congress have a different idea. They want to give an extra $4,500 incentive exclusively for electric vehicles made by workers who have decided to join a union.

What does this say to the American autoworker who has decided not to join a union? It says that their work is worth $4,500 less because they made that choice.

What does this say to the American consumer? It says that if they want to buy an electric vehicle not made by Ford, General Motors, or Chrysler, they will have to pay an extra $4,500 – which is about $100 more per month over a four-year period.

And what does this say to Americans who want to buy an electric vehicle to combat climate change? It says having more electric vehicles on the road is secondary to promoting unionization.

This isn’t fair. This isn’t right.

Congress needs to put the politics aside on this one. Do the right thing. Treat all American autoworkers fairly. Let the American consumer choose the best electric vehicle for them without needing to pay an extra $4,500 to buy an electric vehicle not made by Ford, GM or Chrysler. And let’s make fighting climate change the priority.

Let’s put what is best for the American worker, consumer and environment ahead of politics.

The post Toyota’s Statement on the Need for Equal Application of the Electric Vehicle Tax Incentive appeared first on Toyota USA Newsroom.

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